Scholarships – Questions and Answers

Sir/ Madam, I’m from Liberia, Africa. I’m studying undergraduate courses in Criminology major and minor Demography at the University Of Liberia currently. So, how can I obtain scholarship in these courses?

July 17, 2023 / Views



Finding a scholarship to fund your studies in criminology and demography at the University of Liberia can be a challenging task but ultimately is one that you can accomplish with some dedication and work. Here are some tips on how to go about obtaining scholarships for your courses:

Research scholarships available through external sources – Many external organizations offer competitive or need-based scholarships for students studying abroad, including those seeking higher education in Liberia. Before applying, make sure to read eligibility requirements carefully as there could be restrictions based on country of origin or type of degree sought after. Additionally, check application deadlines as these may vary from award to award and you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity due solely because it was outside your designated timeline!

Look into possible resources within the university – Universities often have their own grant and scholarship programs specifically designed for their student body; inquire with departments such as financial aid or academic advising about available options that you may qualify for including any special tuition discounts/waivers provided by institutions in Liberia affiliated with the University of Liberia (i.e.: Buchman College).

Seek out online crowdfunding sites – Crowdfunding is an effective way for individuals outside of traditional funding sources (governments and universities) to obtain financial assistance quickly without any need-based qualifications necessarily required; examples include GoFundMe, PayPal Giving Fund or GlobalGiving just do name a few! With these platforms, people are able to share their stories directly while allowing supporters around the world donate directly towards educational costs associated with pursuing higher education at universities like yours! Good luck taking this next step towards obtaining a college degree in criminology & demography at the University Of Liberia!

Sir/ Madam, I’m from Liberia, Africa. I’m studying undergraduate courses in Criminology major and minor Demography at the University Of Liberia currently. So, how can I obtain scholarship in these courses?

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