Scholarships – Questions and Answers


July 11, 2023 / Views



Congratulations on beginning your search for scholarships and funds to study for a Masters of Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. After all, with the right education, you can set yourself up for success in the workplace!

When it comes to studying in Tanzania specifically, there are several options available. Many international organizations offer funding opportunities specifically tailored to Tanzanian students pursuing higher degrees or specialized training. Additionally, the government of Tanzania has numerous scholarship programs that can be used to cover tuition costs as well as other living expenses while abroad. The Urafiki Scholarship Program is one such option that offers university fees coverage and monthly stipends for eligible Tanzanian students who wish to pursue higher education in the country.

Beyond state-sponsored grants there are also many private foundations and charities offering grants geared towards helping individuals from low-income backgrounds access better academic opportunities within Tanzania. The African Development Bank Group’s Knowledge Investment Fund provides scholarships mainly targeting non-commercial activities related to postgraduate studies – including Master’s degrees –in science and technology fields like project planning, monitoring and evaluation. Another example is Africa Education Trust which sponsors rural children from deprived communities who demonstrate high levels of excellence but may not have the financial means necessary otherwise obtain a quality education without additional support or help from family members or other sources outside their immediate circle of support.

It’s worth noting that many universities throughout Africa also provide scholarships tailored towards helping out underserved populations not only tuition assistance but also living costs like food; housing; insurance; cost allowances etc., so make sure you check with your school administration—many times these kinds of aids go underreported because administrators don’t always take the initiative when it comes spreading awareness about them even though they exist! And if you experience any difficulty understanding where to get information on these alternate sources then do contact us – our representatives would be more than happy addressing your queries regarding this topic (or any other topics related to project management). Good luck!

Hello đź‘‹, can I acquire from your scholarships, funds to study the above mentioned course in Tanzania?

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