Scholarships – Questions and Answers

Is it possible to get a fully funded scholarship to study abroad for a hardworking and desperate student like me in Sierra Leone?

July 25, 2023 / Views



Absolutely! Even though it might seem like an overwhelming task to research and apply for scholarships, there are a plethora of scholarship opportunities out there for hardworking and desperate students from Sierra Leone.

For starters, many universities offer ‘need-based’ scholarships that take into account a student’s financial situation when considering them for funding. Additionally, some governments also provide various forms of grants or loans to students who wish to study abroad. For example, the US Federal Government provides ‘Direct Loans’ which can be used for studying in the US and other countries. Furthermore, organizations such as Rotary International provide sponsorships for international studies at certain universities around the world.

In addition to formal government/university programs and organizations mentioned above, there is also vast range of private foundations that offer different kinds of scholarship support specifically targeting citizens from underprivileged countries like Sierra Leone (e.g., UNCF). These foundations often have their own criteria or eligibility requirements based on factors such as academic performance or financial need but if you qualify they present an exceptional opportunity to receive fully funded scholarships. Some other reputable foundations offering post-secondary education grants include The World Bank Group Development Marketplace Program (which has supported more than 850 projects worth approximately $400M) and The African Network Health Education Scholarship Fund (ANHESF), which offers full tuition support to qualified applicants from Sub-Saharan Africa attending accredited institutions in the United States—including return airfare/travel costs associated with attending school abroad—and related living expenses throughout their stay in the US.

In conclusion, although there is no single “one-size-fits all” solution when it comes to finding financial aid or scholarships options available specifically aimed at helping members of disenfranchised communities pursue higher education around the world; with some dedicated research into local governmental initiatives & external resources provided by non-profit organizations plus a healthy dose of perseverance – even desperate students living in Sierra Leone can achieve their goal of studying abroad with full funding!

Is it possible to get a fully funded scholarship to study abroad for a hardworking and desperate student like me in Sierra Leone?

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