Scholarships – Questions and Answers

Enquiries about fully funded scholarship in Canada or America under the faculty of Nursing

July 14, 2023 / Views



Getting a fully-funded scholarship to further your studies in Canada or America as a postgraduate nurse can be quite an undertaking, but it is definitely possible! You should start by doing thorough research on scholarships specific to the nursing field and geography of study. Many universities provide both domestic and international students with opportunities for full funding through merit-based scholarships or need-based financial aid packages.

Beyond university sources, you are encouraged to look into private foundations and organizations offering full funding. For example, the Canadian International Nursing Foundation (CINF) offers humanitarian grants towards qualified nurses who wish to pursue higher education in Canada. Additionally, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) provides several grants for members who were accepted into accredited programs leading toward advanced degree education.

You may also look into external fellowships from global institutions such as the Fulbright Program from The United States Department of State that provides over 4500 awards each year for exchange opportunities around the world; Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarships which offer international travel support; or Islamic Development Bank’s Scholarship Programs that provide tuition coverage along with airfare and living costs allowance for individuals from their member countries.

Finally, don’t forget about online resources available which can help find multiple potential scholarships that best suit your profile; ProFellow’s Fellowship Database which has detailed information about various scholarship programs available worldwide; or Academic Positions’ Job Board where you will find postings related to fellowship and grant opportunities specifically targeted at nurses with postgraduate experience like yourself.
Good luck on your quest!

How do I get fully funded scholarship to further my studies in Canada or America in the faculty of Nursing? I am a post graduate with BSc in Nursing. I am a Cameroonian by nationality.

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