Scholarships – Questions and Answers

Can I get full funded scholarship to study in Canada 2024 September intake? The area of study is Journalism.

July 13, 2023 / Views



Getting a full-funded scholarship to study in Canada for the 2024 September intake is certainly possible if you plan ahead and are prepared to put the necessary effort into your application. As Journalism is an increasingly competitive field, it’s important to have a comprehensive portfolio of relevant skills, experiences, and knowledge that demonstrate your ability to excel in this area.

In terms of scholarships specifically, there are likely many options depending on what type of student you are (international/domestic) and other criteria such as where you’re from or how financially needy you may be. One option for international students is the Mitacs Globalink Research internships which offers fully funded research-based internships lasting up 12 months in Canada; eligibility requirements include being a Canadian permanent resident or citizen currently enrolled at an eligible university outside of Canada. Additionally, some universities offer their own internal awards such as Graduate Scholarships typically available through each university department or school; consult with them directly about opportunities that can apply towards studying Journalism.

It’s also important not just focus on graduate grants/scholarships alone when pursuing funding opportunities for studies abroad. Government grants typically cover tuition costs while fees such as airfare (depending on distance travelled), accommodation and living expenses will need to be accounted for separately either through salary earned during employment or other resources like personal savings or private loans/lines of credit etc., so make sure those aspects are thought through too before embarking on any study abroad program — including one in Canada next year!

Can I get full funded scholarship to study in Canada 2024 September intake? The area of study is Journalism.

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